Head Peace

$ 10.00

Head Peace is a careful balance of organic ingredients that can suppress headaches as they start or give peace when they are already in progress.  Head Peace is packaged in a handy roll-on applicator to deliver quick relief.

Head Peace can be used as often as needed to bring relief.

Available in a 10 ml. roll-on bottle

(Fuller description below)


Head Peace has been formulated from these fine organic herbal ingredients to bring help for most types of headaches:

  • Witch Hazel
  • Glycerin
  • Menthol
  • Lavender Essential Oil from The English Lavender Farm

At first sign of headache, apply along front hairline from temple to temple, or along back hairline from ear to ear. Head Peace can be used several times a day to bring peace for headaches.

If skin irritation occurs, simply rinse with water. Keep away from eyes.

10 ml.


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